All work and no play makes me a dull boy

So after a busy day visiting galleries and exhibitions I felt some retail therapy was in order. I decided Camden Market was the best place to go as there are many unusual clothing shops, as well as a huge market which sold an immense amount of custom made clothing.
  My favourite shop by far had to be Cyberdog. It is an alternative brand clothing store dedicated to selling quasi-futuristic clothing. It's such a niche market yet Cyberdog stocks so many unusual items of clothing that people come from all over to see this unique store.
 Upon entering there were dancers everywhere. On podiums, in booths, some of the staff were even dancing on the tables. It was such a lively atmosphere, with dance music pounding from the speakers. It was more like a nightclub with the UV colour scheme and lighting. The energetic environment was so much more entertaining than trudging through boring mass-market clothes shops scouring rails for a bargain.
I had to be quite sneaky with my camera as no photos were allowed. Oops~

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